C. Jeffries, Maker


Resources in the Concertina Library for C. Jeffries, Maker, and Jeffries Brothers.

jeffries-man-and-family Charles Jeffries: the Man and His Family
by Chris Algar, Stephen Chambers, Robert Gaskins, David Lee, Randall C. Merris, and Wes Williams
New information about Charles Jeffries and all of his family that participated in the concertina making business. Contains the first known pictures of Charles and Mary Ann Jeffries, and reproductions of birth, marriage, and death certificates where known. Summary table of Jeffries descendants. Brief descriptions of the addresses where Charles Jeffries lived and worked, with maps of the Praed Street area, White Lion Passage, and the Kilburn area. Based on information from members of the Jeffries family.
Posted 15 November 2005
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gaskins-jeffries-maccann-no-6-pics Photographs of Jeffries Maccann Duet Concertina, serial No. 6
by Robert Gaskins
Photographic documentation of a Jeffries Maccann Duet, serial No. 6, 57 keys, c. 1915. Marked on the right with an oval engraved C. Jeffries Maker, 23 Praed St. Raised metal ends, some construction details in common with Jeffries anglos such as linear reed chambers. Its matching manuscript chords tutor is also reproduced on this website. 54 photographs.
Posted 15 February 2003
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jeffries-maccann-chords-tutor Maccann Duet Chords Tutor Manuscript
from Robert Gaskins
A polished 76-page manuscript “chords tutor” found in the case of a matching 57-key Maccann Duet made by C. Jeffries Maker, 23 Praed St. The instrument and the tutor are dated c. 1915. This may have been a “semi-bespoke” tutor included with the instrument when it was originally sold. Unlike the much later Jeffries System manuscript tutor (c. 1960) written with a biro (ballpoint pen) in very rough style, this much-longer document was written with a split pen and is very carefully finished.
Posted 15 February 2003
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jeffries-system-chords-tutor Jeffries Manuscript “Tutor” for Jeffries System Duet
by Anonymous (Jeffries Bros.?)
Undated manuscript (possibly as late as 1959) showing fingering and chords for a Jeffries System Duet, apparently made by the Jeffries company. The document is fashioned from a notebook with pages cut so that the keyboard diagrams can remain static at the top while partial pages of chords and instructions for various keys can be turned below. Unlike the early Jeffries Maccann manuscript tutor (c. 1910) written with a split pen and very finished, this document is written with a biro (ballpoint pen) indicating a much later date, and is very rough. Manuscript now in the collection of the Horniman Museum, London (Item CM C1080). The notebook is at present contained in an envelope along with a letter from Thomas Jeffries dated 1959 which may or may not be related.
Posted 15 February 2003
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clapp-jeffries-interesting A Jeffries Duet—Interesting Instruments
by Polly Clapp
“The initial response of anybody picking up a Jeffries Duet for the first time, or indeed looking at a keyboard diagram, is bewilderment that anyone could ever learn to play such a system. There seems to be no obvious logic, unlike the other duet systems, and the keyboard is often likened to a typewriter! However, astute anglo players will soon realise that there are similarities betwen the Jeffries Duet and the Anglo.” [From the article.] As published in Concertina Magazine (Australia), 12 (Autumn 1985), pp 2-4.
Posted 15 February 2003
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robertshaw-jeffries-page Keyboard Diagrams for Jeffries System Duet
by Nick Robertshaw
Diagrams of the note assignments on a 51-key Jeffries system duet played by Nick Robertshaw, one of the very few players of the system.
Posted 15 February 2003
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hayden-all-systems-duet-workshop All-Systems Duet Workshop Tutor
by Brian Hayden
Tutor for a workshop on how to play duet concertinas of all systems. Begins with notation, fingering, and chords for Maccann Duets, Jeffries Duets, Crane (Triumph) Duets, and Hayden Duets. Tunes of progressive difficulty, with increasing number of notes and then in keys with increasing numbers of accidentals, all written in notation based on the treble clef. Notes on chord patterns and on strategies for melody and accompaniment applicable to all systems of duet concertina. Presented to The West Country Concertina Players, 1994. 20 pages.
Posted 15 August 2003
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Current buildings on site of C. Jeffries, Maker
Site of old C. Jeffries premises
at 23 Praed Street, Paddington,
redeveloped post-WWII
(Wes Williams)
